How Technology Innovation Can Help Alcoholics

How Technology Innovation Can Help Alcoholics


Since Aware Recovery Care first opened its doors, we’ve focused on finding and deploying innovative new tools capable of improving the odds of recovery for folks addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.  We believe this approach is one reason our clients achieve long-term sobriety at such high rates.

One of the tools we’ve found to help those struggling with addiction to alcohol is a tool called SoberLink.

SoberLink is a portable breathalyzer and intuitive recovery management tool that we often deploy with our alcohol-addicted clients (on a voluntary basis).

These devices use facial recognition technology to confirm the identity of the user during each breath test. Blood alcohol content results are then wirelessly transmitted in real time to Soberlink’s cloud-based recovery management software.  This tool even allows Aware Recovery Care to create custom testing schedules, as well as specific notifications for our clients.

Why This Tool Is Important To Recovery

The great value of the Soberlink tool lies in the benefits it provides the individual client and their families.

For the individual specifically, Soberlink helps in the following ways:

  • It helps the recovering client stay connected to their Aware Recovery Care team.
  • It helps build accountability and structure.
  • It documents sobriety.

For families, it helps in the following ways:

  • It allows them to share in the recovery process.
  • It helps our clients rebuild trust within the family.
  • It helps give the family peace of mind – peace of mind that has often been hard to come by).

Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States: 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence along with several million more who engage in risky, binge drinking patterns that could lead to alcohol problems. 

If alcohol is a problem for you or someone you love, consider giving the Care Specialists at Aware Recovery Care a call.  Our outcomes show that we effectively treat alcoholism in the home by transforming the home into the treatment center. Our innovative alcohol addiction treatment program offers families and loved ones an opportunity to understand what it means to be a part of the healthy support system in the real world, and active participants in their loved ones healthy life. 

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