In-home addiction treatment

You don’t need to put your life on hold.
We bring addiction treatment to you so you can heal at home.

In-home addiction treatment for individuals

for individuals

In-home addiction treatment for healthcare providers

for healthcare

In-home Addiction Treatment for loved ones

for loved ones

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Compassionate, down-to-earth care
people with substance use disorder.

A specially trained team of addiction professionals will guide you every step of the way.

What is it?

Our In-Home Addiction Treatment (IHAT) program is exactly what it sounds like. We deliver an all-inclusive addiction treatment program directly to you, so you don’t have to leave your home or disrupt your life. We also offer Virtual Detox and Medication Assisted Treatment in many of the states we serve.

How does it work?

If you choose In-Home Addiction Treatment, you will be assigned a team of professionals that will come to your home and work around your schedule. Tailored for lasting recovery, the treatment process has 4 phases over the course of up to 12 months. 

Does it work?

Our clients’ success stories are the best proof of our model’s effectiveness. So are our current clinical outcomes.

Recovery is a team sport—meet your home team
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We’re proud to have helped so many people.

family re-engagement
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95% of our clients report improvements in their relationships with family members. [1]
sobriety success
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78% of our clients are abstinent from drugs and alcohol 6 months post-treatment. [1]
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87% of our clients report engagement with a Primary Care Provider 6 months post-treatment. [1]

Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit

Addiction treatment is a daily journey and we count success every day.

Clients enrolled in Aware's IHAT program achieved a 63% completion rate at 24 weeks, compared to the 25-30% industry average. [2]

At 90 days, more than 78% of participants were drug and alcohol-free based on toxicology screens. [1]

During the 6-12 months after completion of Aware Recovery Care IHAT treatment, emergency department admissions fell 35% compared to the year before entering Aware. [3]

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Help is just a phone call away! (844) 292-7372