Many young women realize that drinking during pregnancy is not a good idea, but they often fail to understand all of the ramifications.
Did you know that alcohol can actually harm a baby at every stage of a pregnancy and that alcohol can cause something called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs)? These are a group of problems tied to physical and behavioral abnormalities that can include
- Difficulty controlling emotions
- Difficulty learning and remembering
- Difficulty understanding and following directions
- Difficulty communicating and socializing
- Poor coordination
- Vision and hearing problems
- Problems with the heart, kidneys, and bones
There is also a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome typically have facial abnormalities, significant growth problems, and nervous system abnormalities.
Medical researchers, cognizant of the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, recently examined academic performance in children known to have been exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.
To conduct the study, the researchers divided children into two groups – one group contained sixty-seven children who’d experienced heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. The other group consisted of sixty-one children who had not been exposed to alcohol at any time. The group exposed to alcohol scored consistently worse than their peers in
academic areas – particularly in math related subjects. When brain scans were conducted on a subset of these children, it was found that all of the children exposed to alcohol prenatally had atypical brain development.
Sadly – there is no known cure for FASDs. There is only prevention – abstinence from alcohol immediately before and during pregnancy.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to alcohol – the alcohol rehab specialists at Aware Recovery Care can help immensely. Using a treatment model inspired by researchers at Yale, Aware Recovery Care is helping addicts recover at rates substantially above the national average. Learn more today at