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Virtual Detox Roundtable | Detoxing Safely

In this episode of The Well Aware Podcast, Dr. Lauren Grawert, Chief Medical Officer at Aware Recovery Care, leads a roundtable discussion on detoxing safely with Carrie Grassi, Vice President of Integrated Healthcare Services at Aware, and Aiza Nimeh, Lead Admissions Nurse Practitioner at Aware. The discussion touches on why it’s important to detox with support, the options available today for a safe detox experience, and the helpful role that medication can play. Join us as we delve into this important topic.

Virtual Detox Roundtable | Detoxing Safely

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78% of our clients are abstinent from drugs and alcohol 6 months post-treatment. [1]
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87% of our clients report engagement with a Primary Care Provider 6 months post-treatment. [1]

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